Aug. 03, 2010
Dear subscriber, 
MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal resource list.

Many items in the current bulletin present findings from researches that were conducted in different countries around the world: Turkey, UK, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Croatia, USA, the Netherlands and more.

Please notice that our next newsletter will be sent in September, after our summer vacation.

Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

August 3, 2010 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
August 2010
Featured Items
Partnerships in Pedagogy: Refocusing of Classroom Lenses
Current models of initial teacher training (ITT) in England include substantial elements of school-based experience developed in collaborative partnerships with local schools involving university tutors working with experienced classroom teachers. This article focuses on a small-scale research project in which mentor and trainee dialogue is examined. Activity theory analysis was chosen as the methodological framework to be used to identify actions and changes in the organisation of teacher-education partnerships which sought to increase focus on pedagogical content knowledge as part of day-to-day reflection on trainees’ development in the school.
Pre-service Teachers’ Open-Minded Thinking Dispositions, Readiness to Learn, and Attitudes about Learning and Behavioural Difficulties in Students
The purpose of this study was to examine the linkages between the four components of pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward children with learning and behavioural difficulties (LBD) and the factors that predict their attitudes. Using a self-report measure that consisted of four scenarios describing students with LBD, the authors investigated the degree to which pre-service teachers’ open-minded thinking dispositions, readiness to learn about students with LBD, beliefs about the role of regular classroom teachers in providing for these students, and emotions in relation to dealing with these students’ difficulties predict their likelihood of engaging in punitive reactions and planned behaviours.
From Ideal to Practice and Back Again: Beginning Teachers Teaching for Social Justice
In this article, the authors investigate whether and how recent graduates of an elementary preservice teacher education program enacted social justice curricula. The authors highlight the stories of three beginning teachers. The authors discuss the struggles the teachers faced when enacting social justice curricula. Furthermore, the authors also discuss the tenuous connection they perceived between their conceptions and their practices. The authors conclude with recommendations for ways in which teacher educators can prepare beginning teachers for the uncertain journey of teaching for social justice.
Action Research as A Tool of Professional Development of Advisers and Teachers in Croatia
This article reports on a programme in which senior advisers from different regions in Croatia developed action research projects in Croatian schools. The authors wanted to learn: How educational action research might be used by advisers and teachers in Croatia; and how educational action research is understood in this context. The authors found that the concept of action research was thoroughly understood by nearly all the advisers; the principles of action research were produced evidence of practical change, collaboration and mutual understanding.
Teachers' Views on the Effectiveness of In-service Courses on the New Curriculum in Turkey
This study was conducted to reveal teachers' views of the effectiveness of the INSET courses they attended on the new curriculum and to evaluate the courses based on the teachers' views and the effective INSET characteristics reported in the literature.The participants were 20 primary and 18 secondary school teachers. According to the findings, the INSET courses were found to be ineffective, mainly in terms of the quality of the instructors, teaching methods employed, duration of the courses and support after training. The authors conclude with suggestions to conduct effective INSET courses.
Attitudes Of A Sample Of English, Maltese And German Teachers Towards Media Education
This study investigates the attitudes of a sample of English, Maltese and German teachers toward the training they received to teach media education. The study also explores the teachers’ attitudes about whether and how media education should be taught in schools. The sample was consisted of 132 teachers from England, Malta and Germany. The results show that the participants felt least confident teaching television production, radio production, and website design.
August 2010
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Lesbian Teachers, Harassment and the Workplace
Student Attitudes and the Teaching and Learning of Race, Culture and Politics
Female Islamic Studies Teachers in Saudi Arabia: A Phenomenological Study

Professional Development

A Cross-Cultural Study of Teacher Perspectives on Teacher Roles and Adoption of Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education
Supporting Emerging Teacher Identities: Can We Identify Teacher Potential Among Students?

TE & Instruction

Aggressive and Tender Navigations: Teacher Educators Confront Whiteness in Their Practice
Attitudes Of A Sample Of English, Maltese And German Teachers Towards Media Education
Tracing the Effects of Teacher Inquiry on Classroom Practice
How the Structure and Focus of Teachers' Collaborative Activities Facilitate and Constrain Teacher Learning
Learning How to Respond to Current Events: Partner Journals between U. S. Preservice Teachers and Children
Producing Caring Qualified Teachers: An Exploration of the Influence of Pre-service Teacher Concerns on Learner-Centeredness
Causes of Tension in Post-observation Feedback in Pre-service Teacher Training: An Alternative View
Distilling Wisdom From Practice: Finding Meaning In PDS Stories

Research Methods

Action Research as A Tool of Professional Development of Advisers and Teachers in Croatia

Mentoring & Supervision

Exemplary Mentors' Perspectives towards Mentoring across Mentoring Contexts: Lessons from Collective Case Studies

TE Programs

Teachers' Views on the Effectiveness of In-service Courses on the New Curriculum in Turkey
Missing Pages? A Study of Textbooks for Dutch Early Childhood Teacher Education
Data-Informed Curriculum Reform: Which Data, What Purposes, and Promoting and Hindering Factors
A Training Programme on Managing Science Class Interactions: Its Impact on Teachers' Practises and on Their Pupils' Achievement

Preservice Students

The Development of Student Teachers’ Professional Identity
‘Teach as You Preach’: The Effects of Student-Centred versus Lecture-Based Teaching on Student Teachers’ Approaches to Teaching
Pre-service Teachers’ Open-Minded Thinking Dispositions, Readiness to Learn, and Attitudes about Learning and Behavioural Difficulties in Students
Is The Motivation to Become A Teacher Related to Pre-service Teachers’ Intentions to Remain in The Profession?
Pre-service Teachers' Dispositions towards Diversity: Arguing for A Developmental Hierarchy of Change

Beginning Teachers

From Ideal to Practice and Back Again: Beginning Teachers Teaching for Social Justice
Whatever It Takes: How Beginning Teachers Learn to Survive
Professional Identity Creation: Examining the Development of Beginning Preservice Teachers' Understanding of Their Work as Teachers

Technology & Computers

Pattern of Classroom Activities during Students’ Use of Computers: Relations between Instructional Strategies and Computer Applications

Theories & Approaches

Challenges to Conceptualizing and Actualizing Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: How Viable Is the Theory in Classroom Practice?
Teachers’ Collaborative Conversations About Culture: Negotiating Decision Making in Intercultural Teaching
The Nuances and Complexities of Teaching Mathematics for Cultural Relevance and Social Justice
Partnerships in Pedagogy: Refocusing of Classroom Lenses
August 2010
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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All recent items