Mar. 15, 2012
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MOFET ITEC Portal Newsletter

Dear Subscriber,

We are delighted to be sending you another issue of The MOFET ITEC Portal bulletin, presenting research findings and trends from the latest articles published in academic journals focusing on teacher education, pedagogy and instruction.

We invite you to attend our online webinar next week: Knowledge Integration in Rich Learning Environments: Challenges for Teaching and Learning – with Prof. Bat-Sheva Eylon.
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Wishing you interesting and enjoyable reading,

The MOFET ITEC Portal Team

March 15, 2012 International Portal of Teacher Education
Please note: a complete list of recent additions to the portal follows the Featured Items.
March 2012
Featured Items
Collaborative Research and Teacher Education
In this article, the author investigates how collaborative teacher research can reposition teachers to be powerful stakeholders and policymakers rather than skilled technicians and implementers. The author concludes that teacher certification programs should implement the standards and assessments their districts provide them. Furthermore, certification programs should seek to establish opportunities for teacher research with experienced teacher mentors, administrators, and academics.
Development of Mentor Teacher Role Inventory
The main purpose of the present research is to investigate the perceptions of the student teachers regarding mentor roles and create a reliable Mentor Teacher Role Inventory (MTRI) for a distance English Teacher Training context. The analysis shows that the MTRI is a very valid and reliable instrument. The author concludes that an imperative implication of the present study is that a reliable and valid Mentor Teacher Role Inventory is constructed. The analysis of the MTRI yielded mentor dimensions similar to those reported in previous literature increasing the confidence in the stability of these mentor roles.
Children of Reform: The Impact of High-Stakes Education Reform on Preservice Teachers
This article presents findings from an instrumental case study. The purpose of the instrumental case study was to examine the impact of high-stakes standards-based accountability reform on preservice teachers and what this means for teacher education. The data reveal that these candidates learned in their teacher education program that they had to incorporate Texas’s mandated curriculum into their teaching. However, their field experiences taught them that knowing how to teach the mandated curriculum and putting that knowledge into practice is a difficult task to undertake.
The Limits of Teacher Education Reforms: School Subjects, Alchemies, and an Alternative Possibility
In this article, the author argued that the democratic promise of a just and equitable society embodied in the reforms is important; yet the particular principles about school knowledge historically classify and order reflection and action to shape and fashion what is possible and “reasonable” for participation. The notion of alchemy directed attention to the principles that translate and order what is taught. In this sense, the very system of reason that organizes school subjects is the political of schooling.
A Critical Analysis of Sustainability Education in Schooling’s Bureaucracy: Barriers and Small Openings in Teacher Education
In this article, the author reflects on his last 15 years of experience as an environmental education researcher and teacher education faculty member. Through the personal reflections of narrative inquiry, the author observes and interprets the changes he has witnessed and participated in at the state, university, college, and department level, and also on the bureaucratic forces. The author argues that such changes can begin with sustainability-responsive course revisions, and can connect to more significant changes in college and state programs and policies.
Negotiating Implementation of High-Stakes Performance Assessment Policies in Teacher Education: From Compliance to Inquiry
In this article, the authors describe the strategic response of one teacher education program to the challenges of implementing a set of new high-stakes state teaching performance assessment policies. These state policy mandates were perceived by faculty and staff to intrude strongly on the integrity of local program values and practices. In a strategic effort to negotiate the tension between these perceptions and the institutional necessity of implementing the new policies, the authors developed an approach to policy implementation aimed at shifting the discourse of implementation from a focus on compliance to a focus on inquiry.
March 2012
All Recent Items
Multiculturalism & Diversity
Integrated, Marginal, and Resilient: Race, Class, and the Diverse Experiences of White First-Generation College Students
Assessing Neighborhood Racial Segregation and Macroeconomic Effects in the Education of African Americans

Teacher Education & Instruction

The Relationship between Departments as Professional Communities and Student Achievement in Secondary Schools
Co-Constructing Efficacy: A “Communities of Practice” Perspective on Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs
Knowing How to Know: Building Meaningful Relationships Through Instruction That Meets the Needs of Students Learning English
Exploring Literacy Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs: Potential Sources at Play
Resisting Plateauing: Four Veteran Teachers’ Stories
Understanding Pedagogical design Capacity through Teachers’ Narratives
Artefacts and Utilization Schemes in Mathematics Teacher Education: Place Value in Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Teacher Education: The Case of Geometry
Flexible Grouping as a Means for Classroom Management in a Heterogeneous Classroom

Research Methods

Collaborative Research and Teacher Education
The Collaborative Production of Meaningful Measure(ment)s: Preliminary Insights into a Work in Progress

Mentoring & Supervision

Development of Mentor Teacher Role Inventory

Special Education

Included Students with Autism and Access to General Curriculum: What Is Being Provided?
Extended Time Testing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities: Answers to Five Fundamental Questions

Teacher Education Programs

A Critical Analysis of Sustainability Education in Schooling’s Bureaucracy: Barriers and Small Openings in Teacher Education

Preservice Students

Stakeholders’ Perspectives of the Nature and Role of Assessment during Practicum
Turkish Elementary Student Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Reasoning
Perceptions of Preservice Early Educators: How Adults Support Preschoolers' Social Development
Student Training in Transversal Competences at the University of Cordoba

Beginning Teachers

Interns’ Use of Video Cases to Problematize Their Practice: Crash, Burn and (Maybe) Learn
Bridging the Gap between Expert-Novice Differences: The Model-Based Feedback Approach

Teaching Assessment

Negotiating Implementation of High-Stakes Performance Assessment Policies in Teacher Education: From Compliance to Inquiry

Technology & Computers

What Forty Years of Research Says About the Impact of Technology on Learning: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis and Validation Study

Theories & Approaches

Children of Reform: The Impact of High-Stakes Education Reform on Preservice Teachers
Dilemmas in the Implementation of Children’s Right to Equity in Education in the Swedish Compulsory School
Convening a Network within the European Conference on Educational Research: A History of the Social Justice and Intercultural Education Network
Capturing Unique Dimensions of Youth Organized Activity Involvement: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations

Trends in Teacher Education

The Limits of Teacher Education Reforms: School Subjects, Alchemies, and an Alternative Possibility
March 2012
The newsletter contains references to all the new items added to the ITEC Portal.

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All recent items